
Falcon: ChatWork's Scala product - its history of failures and successes

It’s been two years since we’ve announced the migration of our product from PHP to Scala. We’ve received mixed reviews during this period, but at the end of 2016 we will finally be launching the product that adopted Scala, named Falcon. We’ve given the code the name Falcon after the unmanned spacecraft Hayabusa; which landed on the asteroid Itokawa and returned samples in 2010. Like the actual Hayabusa, we faced many hurdles, and the whole team came together to overcome each of them. Our history of failures and successes has also been a discovery process to find new values. As such, some of the technical components and architecture has evolved over time.

In this session Katou, who’s been involved with the project since its early days, will share the meandering product stories and the transitions of the architecture over time.

Session length
40 minutes
Language of the presentation
Target audience
Intermediate: Requires a basic knowledge of the area
Junichi Katou (ChatWork)

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